This is the Message Centre for Jane Austin


Post 1

Vaeltaja A216672

by the way - the new style body story / artiucle was great - gave it a 4 out of 5 *smile* - the hair one only got a 3 - well so far it has only two votes - both 3's

Remember that you can vote for your own articles too! so go and give them both a 5

hey, what is it like in the Canaries? Never been there


Post 2

Jane Austin

Thanks V!!

Life is great here in the Canaries, lovely climate, and tourists from everywhere including many Finnish.

Your "mourning" article is great!! I am
new to all of this, so your advice is appreciated.



Post 3

Vaeltaja A216672

Hi there

by the way *grin* - I am a Finn but not Finnish

It is a small joke that might be to do with my name

Take care



Post 4

Jane Austin

Hi V

Sorry, the sun has dulled my brain, er,
don,t quite get it. By the way how do you pronounce your name???



Post 5

Vaeltaja A216672

ahh Jane A

this name here is pronounced Vye elt ah yah but my other name could be Finn *G*


Post 6

Jane Austin

As in Finn g????

Jane does not need explanation, only here in Spain it,s pronounced Hanne!!

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