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Post 1


Wow, that really was an unexpected kick in the teeth smiley - ta when you ordered Molly to tell me you think I'm just an ASSHOLE!smiley - sadface

Couldn't you have told me smiley - huh yourself instead of stringing
me out? smiley - erm

What did I do that you'd feel so hurtsmiley - injured by me?

keithanthony... smiley - brokenhearted smiley - blueKnight
Your description is all wrong because even now I still read the transcripts of the chats we had, while I remember your make believe Lady Lynda that I came to lovesmiley - love. That makes me not an asshole, but just sad smiley - wahand lonely for allowing myself to be fooled by it all! smiley - sadfaceMolly wants to take your place but I'm not going to be suckered ever again! I am just going to become a sad ol' man!

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