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Our first Granddaughter

Post 1


Our sixth grandchild was born today at ten past midnight (20 Nov 04)

Lilly Ann weighed in at nine pounds, two onces.


Our first Granddaughter

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Congratulations, Alji! smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly Great news!

Our first Granddaughter

Post 3


Congrats, grandpa! smiley - bubbly

Any photos yet?

az (and Noggin)

Our first Granddaughter

Post 4


Thanks Adelaide and Az! Her name is Lily-anne and there are some photos @


Our first Granddaughter

Post 5

Researcher 1039847

Congrats to everyone concerned!!smiley - bubbly

That's a decent weight and also a lovely head of hair. I bet she gave her Mum heartburn!smiley - bruised

She'll be crawling round before you know it.
smiley - biggrin

I must admit I'm looking forward to *my* first granddaughter, my lovely grandson was 8 the other day...not that any of my kids are expecting smiley - erm

smiley - flyhi

Our first Granddaughter

Post 6


Congratulations, I sure hope it will take some years before I'm granddad smiley - biggrin

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