This is the Message Centre for TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity


Post 1


hello donna ,,,im neil,,,aka the king of sheffield,,,,AWOL,,,,lmfbopmp,,, hope your as well as well can ever be,,, xxxxx smiley - smiley


Post 2

TARTAN~TOTTY.. Living On The Edge Of Insanity

of for f*cks sake u just cant hide from the awol can hows u my little cherub?? tried phoning the other night but no doubt u were on the phone to that vamp one werent u lol smiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrinsmiley - hug
alls well up here in bonny scotland but my nose hurts like hell now grrrr smiley - grr ill give u a phone later on xxxxxx :o)

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