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For once a serious question ;)

Post 1


This could possibly the first and last serious question I'll ever ask but how long did it take you to master your style of drawing? I mean did you try and immitate other artists before adapating and discovering your own drawing style or did it just come to you in a flash of talent?

For once a serious question ;)

Post 2


Shorter than I was actually hoping but what the heck

For once a serious question ;)

Post 3

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Ey oop Phoens, sorry I've been watching that long nasty thread on the rings board with dismay all day and went to see Solaris tonight. Just got back.

Hmmmm hard to say really, I don't believe in 'talent' per se, as I think anyone can draw if they want it bad enough. I guess my style has just mutated over the years, I've never conciously imitated any one artist but comics have had a huge influence on me. One of the things I tend to do if I'm stuck for inspiration is use facial expressions reference like the Fairburn heads and just simplify the image, boil it down to a few lines and just use the bare expression rather than copy the face itself. I also have a mirror nailed to my drawing board that I use for facial expressions and hands. (never draw your hands from your own perspective it makes it twice as hard to draw a character's hands when you need to.

Erk.. turning into a

hmm have to give this a bit more thought I think...

For once a serious question ;)

Post 4


It's more "Practise makes Perfect" than ummm...well, something else then.

I don't think I want to go into anything solely art realted per say, mainly because I haven't got the skill, but I do think it's a useful thing to know how to do, draw that is, if I want to do something in film. Story board wise at least.

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