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League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 1


Got this today, haven't read it all but seems good so far. Quite adult really, some of it seems perverse or should that read "real" yet I can't see where Connery's character or Mina Murrey's are coming from :S

Was going to get one of Frank Millers Daredevil Visionaries but didn't know whether they were actaully Miller's work or just his cover art. They looked kinda old fashioned, you know all bright and bold - not like the dark brooding etch-a-sketch of Dark Knight Returns. Thought they might of been re-prints of Stan Lee's old stuff, flicked through them and Hulk even turns up. Any idea if they are Frank Miller's work? So I Got a newer Daredevil instead, there goes that money again ... :\

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 2

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Oooh good call on LoEG, I think it's one of the best books out at the moment. It's true the characters do take a while to unfold but I like that. The second volume that's going at the moment brought a few surprises as well.

The Daredevil Visionaries are a mixture of Klaus Janson and Frank Miller, Miller on pencils and Janson on inks. *Pulls volume 2 off shelf*, having a quick flip through I can tell it's Miller straight away, but pre-DK. Worth remembering that originally these comics would have been on newsprint so they do reflect that. Be thankful they haven't recoloured it though, seen that done a few times recently and they make a right balls up of it at times. I haven't read Vol 1 (or if I have I can't remember it) but these are definitely considered 'classic Daredevils', the writing is top notch. I'd say they're worth picking up, particularly Vol 2 as it has the Elektra / Bullesye classic story in. If you're feeling rich after that I'd recommend Elektra Assassin, the art is by Bill Sienkiewicz and it is very very good, the story is set chronologically between Vol 2 and 3 of Visionaries. I bought it years ago without ever having read a Daredevil in my life and was most impressed.

Oops should have put a waffle alert on this smiley - winkeye

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 3


Cheers for the advice, once I save up those pennies again I'll be back

Just have to get over the style of those Daredevil's I guess, really wanted to get one of "classic" stories, I picked up Watchmen/man a while back too but I was put off by the pic's as well. Maybe its just me.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 4


And...I'm done.

Ok so it didn't take me all this while to read LOEG but I have been flicking back through it.

First off...the trailer for LXG...I certainly didn't see any of comic book in that. So I've only read one and it did have action moments but I thought the best bits included the whole spectacle. The locations in the comic are trully inspiring, I'd love for even a few to turn up. Second, interesting characters. In the first LOEG it doesn't delve fully into the characters background, as the film won't I presume, but still you get a real sense of them. The best has to be the banter between Hyde and Griffen, really hope they keep this in the film...(sigh)...won't hold my breath.

Maybe its just because I've only read one but Mina a vampire...??? That would explain the scarf and mysterious past but the fact she is one doesn't *mean* she has to fly around or have black eyeliner smeared all over her face. Connery...I would of gone for Nick Nolte, but if they want it based around Quatermain Nolte would of fitted more into a group but still pulled it off.

And you know from the trailer...Whose the "Immortal?" I guess the Pirate's Nemo, and the rest I could figure out. Again though the Matrix fighting...Probably thought it was more accessable than the all out gore and flesh ripping scenes with Hyde but still doesn't fit.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 5

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

It's great isn't it? Have you got the collected graphic novel (first volume)? Be sure you read all the stuff at the back, there's incredible detail in there, Moore excels at that kind of thing.

Mina, hmmph. Well in the book she isn't a vampire, at least they certainly haven't said she is, yeah she wears the scarf because she was mauled by Dracula but that doesn't mean she has to be a vampire. She's certainly never shown any signs of being one, and she walks around in the daylight. There hasn't been any of that in the second volume either which is based around Wells' 'War of the Worlds', if she was a vampire she could have 'vamped out' in the books by now and saved herself a few problems. The changes to her are the ones I'm the most annoyed about, it changes the entire dynamic of the group, she is the contact between Campion Bond and 'M', not Quatermain. She's the one who rounds up the League...grrrr oh well.

What about the strafe bombing of the East End though? Surely that counts as action? The whole Cavorite section is pretty much a huge spectacle. I don't even know if they're going to do that anyway as it seems that copyright problems have prevented them from using the Fu Manchu character, in the books Moore gets around it by never naming him but I suppose they couldn't get away with it in the film.

Griffen isn't in the film unfortunately, again due to copyright problems. I think someone (perhaps Universal) still has the rights to do the Hawley Griffen character, so it will be *an* Invisible Man, just not the right one.

Tom Sawyer has been added as a well.. appeasement factor really, the lack of American characters made the studio edgy apparantly. He's the Tom Sawyer who Twain wrote as a detective in his adult life (Sawyer's that is not Twain) and Dorian Grey has been added, he's supposed to be turning up in Volume 2 of the comics although he hasn't appeared yet. I think he may be replacing a current member.

I so so soooo wanted this to be good. Steampunk is one of my favourite looks, it makes for such great design work and awesome vehicles. I just think the film's going to moose, and then they'll never get a second chance if it does. smiley - crysmiley - sadface

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 6

Electric Dragon

Moose? Is that a technical term? smiley - winkeye

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 7

~☼ Dark Phoenix ☼~

Indeed it is..moose, tank, flop, bomb....

Dammit just found my nurofen on the floor after eating 5 flu cure things.... smiley - hangover

smiley - cat ®

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Post 8

Electric Dragon

Tank, flop and bomb I've heard of, but never moose. Why nøt trei a høliday in Sweden? See the løveli låkes. And the møøse.

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