This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

leisure district

Post 1


hello there,just saw your name for the first time,and thought i'd say helo,as i was on l/d for over two years!!!nice to see that more ex-l/ders are finding h2g2,we'll never get anything nearer than this site....i'm happy that i found it.if you feel like a chat,just drop by and say hello.salxxx

leisure district

Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

smiley - cool
hi sal!please to meet you smiley - smiley
i was on ld for nearly 3 years passing most of my time in ohio room sometime the cooking or romance how about yourself please?smiley - biggrin
and yes i dont mind chatting .well when i have the time cos i have two wee smiley - devils who likes watching cartoons 24/7 if they could hee hee
smiley - rosesmiley - roselydiasmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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