This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD


Post 1

Researcher 229051

Hi ,there i use 2 be on ld my usernames were TWIZZLE+HOT-ROD.
Im 55 years old my name is Phil,im divorced,no kids,5ft-10ins,blonde hair,blue eyes,10 and half st,waist 30,chest 40,i live in Basildon Essex,did have a g/f but split from her 6 months ago and she was only 25 ,been told that i look much younger 4 my age.
I like playing pool,now and again go clubbing,love animals,im into 60s,70s,80s music,like having a laugh,and of course love females.
Hope 2 hear from you.t/c Phil


Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi philsmiley - smiley
plz to meet u.
im lydia, i have two kids one of each .
im 5ft2 long blondish brown hair, deep brown eyes,tanned, i have a b/f met up in april as me and the kids dad got separeted after been together for 9 years but hey life goes on.smiley - smiley
so how's u ??xxxsmiley - lovelydia

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