This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello XX

Post 1


hello im phil and im 36 male liverpool and my interests are cooking,cycling,tv,music, and collecting models of vintage cars
i also live with my mother as im
a carer for her because she hasent been to well in the past so if you would like to have a chat i would be gratefull to hear from you take care smiley - love phil xx

hello XX

Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello phil plz to meet u smiley - smiley.

as im sure u already know im 27 of age with 2 young into any kind of music but my favorit as to be french.
ismiley - love chatting ,making new friends.l'smiley - lovelydia xx

hello XX

Post 3


hello lydia <smiley im pleased to meet you to xx so wot have you been up to today? i went shopping
with mum and had a cup of smiley - tea in the market i enjoy chatting aswell and making new friends do
you have a email addy ? my email is [email protected]
and i hope to hear from you again
smiley - love phil xxxx

hello XX

Post 4

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi phil smiley - smiley
pls to hear from u againsmiley - hug
today i whent to a friend house to help him with his house work and then came back home to do mine .plus looking after my two kids but nothing muchsmiley - smiley
yes i have an email addy and it's
[email protected].
hope ur keeping well.smiley - lovexxxlydia
smiley - ta for the reply well appreciated smiley - hug

hello XX

Post 5


hello lydia smiley - smiley thanks so much for your email addy hun ill send you a email later darlin smiley - smiley so where about in scotland you from? my brother has
been to lock lomand and inverness
its a beautifull country ive only
been as far as gretna green for my brothers wedding anyway hunny
ill send this and ill email you soon and thanks again for the reply lots of smiley - love phil xxxxx
smiley - rose

hello XX

Post 6

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi hun thank you for the smiley - rose.
ur more than welcomesmiley - hug.
im looking foward of receiving ur email.smiley - smiley
gotta go for now as im on emails xxxx hope to chat soon smiley - love lydia xxxxxsmiley - hugsmiley - smiley

hello XX

Post 7


hello lydia smiley - smiley ive sent you an email hun i hope you like it lol smiley - love phil xxxx smiley - rose

hello XX

Post 8

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

thank you hunnie i realy enjoyed the emailsmiley - smiley
im off to bed now .t/c
smiley - lovelydiaxxxxxsmiley - hug

hello XX

Post 9


goodnight hunny smiley - smiley and thanks for your lovely email and ill chat soon take care smiley - love phil xxxxxx

hello XX

Post 10

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

smiley - smiley good morning philsmiley - hug
how's u doing?on a such a good day??smiley - smiley
over here we have a beautifull weather!just let's hope it's going to stay that way .lolsmiley - smileysmiley - kisssmiley - hug,,lydiaxxxx

hello XX

Post 11


hi lydia smiley - smiley thanks for your
message its been a lovely day here up to now where getting a nice spring so wot you been up to
today? smiley - love phil xxxx smiley - rose

hello XX

Post 12

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

smiley - hughi hunnie im gr8 smiley - ta
nothing much today just relaxing,well until the kids came home fea school lolxxxxxxxxsmiley - lovelydia

hello XX

Post 13


hi lydia smiley - smiley how are you today? its been cold here and windy big difference from the last couple of days ive just had
my tea went the chippy lol so wot are you up to tonight? smiley - love phil smiley - rose

hello XX

Post 14

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi babessmiley - hug im doing gr8 smiley - ta
how's urself pls? smiley - smiley
weather wasnt good either here smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - lovelydiaxxxxx

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