This is the Message Centre for MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

Hello missfrance ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors). We are a team of volunteers who try to help new researchers for the guide find their way around. You can click on the link I made with that acronym in order to find out more. To find out more about anyone, click on the link made by their nickname (eg at the top of any conversation postings) to go to their personal space. Lurking is quite acceptable on h2g2. smiley - bigeyes

You said you were on LD (Leisure District). If you are still using a digibox to access h2g2, you may find the site works better in plain skin. Otherwise the box tends to run out of memory displaying all the graphics. Here is a link to let you select plain skin in your Preferences: <./>/dna/h2g2/plain/UserDetails</.>. Here is a link to get back to your personal space in plain mode if some unhelpful page link forces you into a different skin: <./>/dna/h2g2/plain/U#</.>. smiley - yikes You might want to put that one on your page for quick access.

There are some places on h2g2 which are especially for LDers. U201567 "The Friends Of LeisureDistrict" has a lot of links. A814303 is a list of LDers to look at or join. You might find some old friends - though you seem to have managed that already! A913150 "The FoLDers Arms" is a virtual bar where LDers go to socialise when they are online. A909010 is the LDers' quotes section. I couldn't possibly comment but you might want to. smiley - winkeye

At the moment your personal space page is a bit empty for any visitors who drop by to see who you are. The sort of thing you put in your journal might be a good place to start. Note that using all capitals is generally regarded as shouting though and will upset some people. smiley - sadface

One thing h2g2 has a lot of, as well as researchers, is these <./>Smileys</.>. You can use them in your personal space and other articles, conversations and journal entries. You just type the shortcut text and they appear as if by magic on preview or posting. For example: < laugh > without the spaces becomes smiley - laugh.

Here are a few more links you might like to try. <./>Askh2g2</.> is a page to start or join in a discussion about almost anything. A660340 is a list of "Clubs and Societies" on h2g2. There should be at least one which interests you with potential new friends who share this interest. See the guide entries too important to be merely a number at <./>NamedEntries</.>. smiley - biggrin

Above all, have fun and don't panic. If you do find yourself tempted to panic, click the "h2g2 Help" link on the left. It may help. smiley - online2long

Now, if you'll excuse me, there are probably other things I should be doing, but I'll be back if you call for help (ie reply to this message or post on my space). smiley - run


Post 2

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hi hun thanx for ur reply which did help me to go thrue things. im still a bet confused but not as much tho i guess it's a matter of time.
thank u :O)


Post 3



Hi MissFrance smiley - smiley

Just popped over to see how youre settling in as I see youve had a proper welcome already.Have you been over to see the friends of ld yet?
Its a great page as well as having a lot of info and help especially for us
digi box users.I think SEF left the link,but ill double check .Anyway if you need any help at all just shout (you did say you were still confused about a few things.)

SEF..btw..there is a link to an entry the friends have put together on plain skin including the link n how to use it..might save you a bit of time and typing! its at A948602


Post 4


Thanks, JustMe. I cheat a bit on the typing though. smiley - winkeye

With that in mind I also have to apologise to missfrance for leaving an incomplete link. Please forgive me. smiley - grovel

The quick link back to your own personal space should have been <./>/dna/h2g2/plain/U215136</.> and not the generic insert-number-here one I left before! smiley - sadface

PS that faulty previous one parses to U0 in plain. From there, pressing the "My Space" link would have got you back to your own space in plain though. smiley - biggrin


Post 5


smiley - laugh ive been here about a year and still havent gotton the hang of the technical stuff (links ,guide ml..(that things evil,evil i tell ya!))all that great!...always was a bit "fick" with computers though, have seen people pick it all up after a couple of weeks! smiley - laugh


Post 6

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello there starting to get the hang of it i have a friend who help me to go true by phone which is a bet easy to understand that way i know i have much more to learn and im sure that i will myself can be "fick"with computer but i wont give up lol smiley - smiley.
i hope that ur ok


Post 7


Not giving up is the important thing. A lot of things in life (and computers) are about attitude. You just have to figure out a way to explain stuff to yourself so that it makes sense and not assume anything is too hard for you even if it seems complicated at first. We can always point out little bits which are easier and useful on their own. You don't have to learn all of it in one go. smiley - biggrin


Post 8

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello smiley - smileyhow's u doing??
me im getting much better with this infact i smiley - loveit !there is so much to see and very intresting too.
hope u keeping wellsmiley - smiley..smiley - love lydiax


Post 9


Oh I'm definitely still doing. What though is another matter. smiley - winkeye

I'm glad you're finding your way around better. You seem to have got the hang of putting picture blobs on your space in GuideML. smiley - biggrin

Just ask me or one of the other Gurus (or almost anyone else on h2g2!) if you get stuck with anything you can't figure out for yourself.


Post 10

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

thanx hun well appreciatedsmiley - smiley

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