This is the Message Centre for Neo

Does it have you too..???

Post 1


My God there are alot of Neo's here..! I was under the impression there was only one.. smiley - laugh Are you the true ONE..?? I think the odds are good cos the others either haven't been on for a few years or they don't write anymore.. smiley - biggrin So Neo (If that is your real name) smiley - laugh Whats happening smiley - tongueout

Does it have you too..???

Post 2


JEllen butting in here. I see we have some Matrix fans around here. smiley - winkeye Excellent!

smiley - towel

Does it have you too..???

Post 3


matrix fans where?? smiley - erm

Yep Matrix fan here, no i am not your origanal Neo but i am a very nice happy (ish) Neo on his way following the white rabbit of life..

So Would you by any chance be a matrix fan trinity?

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