A Conversation for Leisure District Closes

Boo.. it's flo from ld!

Post 1

Researcher 218453

hiya, don't really know what I'm doin here, so any help would be most welcome, I'm yet ANOTHER exile from ld, I had the username flo3, for those of u who neva spoke to me, I'm Dawn, feel free to come and have a chat, that if I can get in to read ur mssgs.. oh well, here goes.. hehee!

Boo.. it's flo from ld!

Post 2


hi there,im another ex lder,woz sweetnpetite..

Boo.. it's flo from ld!

Post 3


Hi Dawn,
Seems all us LD junkies are gathering in here lol. I was boingboing on LD but had to change to Weecie on here as some one had already nicked it lol.
Nice to meet ya
Angie xx

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