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Hi from Linky Lincs...

Post 1

John R

Thanks for dropping into my website, Lizzbett.

I'm looking out of my study window right now. All I can see is a million acres of cabbages. Makes me wonder about your comment re Lincs...

I shall hunt up some of your stuff and have a read.

Cheers - John

Hi from Linky Lincs...

Post 2


Hello, thanks for your message.

You will need to do a lot of hunting to read anything of mine because, apart from "Walking Back to Happiness", which appeared in the Book of the Future, I have only ever had letters published. You will definitely have seen my waffle on the letters pages of Peninsula Magazine.

I sent something to Peninsula recently, but Shelagh sent it back. smiley - erm However, she has invited me to rework it, so its not all bad news.smiley - smiley

I'm working on two ideas for the Canterbury Tales competition and do intend to post one of them onto the round table eventually. I'm not exactly what you would call prolific!

Cabbages are the view from my parents house too. The view from my office window here in sunny Suffolk is of roof tops and the view from my house is of more houses and my very small garden. Maybe cabbages aren't such a bad view afterall.


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Hi from Linky Lincs...

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