This is the Message Centre for Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit
2003 06 04 - When email feels like snail mail
Hathornefer (ACE) Near miss - isnt that what you'd call a hit Started conversation Jun 4, 2003
In the age of technology we all expect things to move much faster, happen much sooner. Sometimes we expect things to be instantaneous. How often have you watched a kettle or a toaster. On hootoo press the browsers refresh button?
Well right now I am waiting for ebay to send me my email so I can bid for some software that is up for auction. The auction closes at some point tomorrow and I really dont want to miss this software it is half the cost of a student copy at the moment.
I connect to the mail server to see if anything has arrived, and flick back to hootoo to fill in a couple of minutes before I go back to look again. I have been doing this for an hour so far
Its a world of instant gratification these days - if only the post would arrive soon
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2003 06 04 - When email feels like snail mail
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