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Double Run

Post 1


Sunday night on the 25th of July 2004 history was made. Bob Neir a highly expert Pinochle played a game with partner Christopher Neir and paying against Paul and Tom. The game was a normal game for the most part. In the beginning Bob & Christopher were losing and Paul and Tom were gaining points. By the end of the game Bob & Christopher were 60 in the hole and Tom & Paul were 92 in the good. In the last hand Bob & Christopher bid 40 and to start things off Bob placed down something that wasn't seen for years in the Neir family. It was a double run! Everyone was impressed and shocked and everyone started to take pictures of this incredible sight. They gained 150 points alone and it was already over. The Neir's might not see one of those for a very long time. It was history in the making.

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Double Run

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