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Post 1


Well Joe and Tom got in at midnight the 18th. Then Friday the 18th Joe came over after school and hung out with Katrina and I. We jumped and played some basketball. Then we went to my mom's staff party at a park near her school. We played soccer and more basketball then went into the pool and swam for a bit before going home. We then watched some friend's episodes and then Joe got permission to spend the night. Then at 11:30 we went to bed. Then in the morning at 10 we went to breakfast in Kirkland, with Grandpa, Grandma, Paul, Tom, Jim, Cathy, Katrina, Joe, and I. Then after that Joe came back over and we watched the Halo spoofs on the computer. We had a great time, but then around 4 he had to go home. I will see him tonight though at Sunday Dinner then tomorrow he leaves for camp for a month! So i won't be seeing him for awhile.

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