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Post 1


Well ik went up to my cabin at fish lake on the 26th through the 28th, this is what i wrote when i got home that night...

Well the cabin trip was great we did tons of stuff! The ride up was like forever, but on the way i listened to my ipod and so did Brian, he got to go up too. When we got there, not many people were there because they were out doing stuff. There was plenty of snow to play in which was good and right when we got there we played in the snow, but we did not make an inner tube run until the day after. It was about 3 i guess when we got to the cabin, pretty good if i do say so myself and GP and Paul were about 30 minutes behind us. The dinner was good, David had set up a movie theater downstairs with surround sound and everything, it is really cool i wish i had something like that in my house! The next day we made the inner tube run and this time we used the snow blower to do a lot and my dad and Uncle Paul shoveled we got to go down it. It was slow kind of, but it got better. We had lots of fun. That night we got to go in the hot tube, we swan around and stuff. Not much. Then we played cards and Brian learned how to play the Neir card game, which was cool. We played a lot of cards! Then the last day we were here we played in the snow and i made this really cool inner tube ride. Start at the top of the hill on the left side of the loft and go down. We fly into the snow in front of the main cabin it was fun! We had like three merging tracks too. My dad said it wasn't safe, but we did fine. An hour later we left after i did one more run on both inner tube slopes. We left, went to Levenworth and shopped and ate, then headed back home. We got home around 6 and took Brian home a little after that. Well i think i am going to go do something right now, maybe listen to my new ipod or something... Bye!

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