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Post 1

Proffessor Yaffle

In theory physics is the science that explains why things go up, down, and keep exploding. However, like most things in physics, it never actually works out that way.
Despite what people like Newton and Einstein have said, there is only one unbreakable rule in physics - "If you conduct a physics experiment it will never ever work" which has the one exception "unless you're trying to make it go wrong.
From my experience though, no matter what experiment you are doing, it will inevitably end in a rather large explosion.
People wonder why less and less people are becoming physisists. The answer is clear : All physics results are made up to match current theories. The made up results produced inevitably help form new theories. Nowadays it's becoming increasingly hard to produce made up results that tie in with all the other made up results that have been recorded previously.
Most scientists now do biology instead because (1) It's easier (2) Physics involves way too many apples dropping on you head (3) Cutting up dead animals is fun.

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