This is the Message Centre for J

Underguide miner

Post 1


Hey there,
Nice to meet you, I'm Rob, and as you'll see if you read the volunteer to be an underguide miner thread, I've volunteered to be an underguide miner. I also am attempting to get the record for saying volunteer to be an underguide miner most times in one paragraph. The guys in the volunteer to be an underguide miner thread told me that since i'd volunteered to be an underguide miner, i should get in touch with you and you'd get me set up as an underguide miner (how do you think my record is going). So please let me know if you need anything from me (except cash, I'm a little low right now).


Underguide miner

Post 2


I count five. Sorry, I believe the record is 7,116.
It was a long paragraph...

Glad to see someone volunteered. smiley - smiley I assume you're familiar with the scheme from the pages in and about 'Volunteer to be an UnderGuide Miner'. So my only suggestions are to read the other threads under that entry (I go more indepth in some of them) and follow the advice for new recruits and to spend some time in <./>RF5</.>, the Alternative Writing Workshop.

Once you're satisfied that you're familiar enough with the scheme, let me know and I'll tell you the next step (which you will have already seen, having read a few threads under the volunteering page. smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Underguide miner

Post 3


will do...

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