This is the Message Centre for Boots


Post 1


I fear I am becoming jaded, despite my life's motto being 'tis better to be naive than'.

I’m not sure when I lost my naivety but I sorely miss it.

Monday: meeting of a most commendable Charity where trillions were donated by one of the Trustees for worthy and doughty projects.

What’s he after? Can’t be money, he could rescue the Bank of England. Stop it that’s mean. He is a truly altruistic soul.

Walrus noises of congratulations.

Hand over admin to my new assistant, have now been elevated to ‘observer’ and
help myself to another biscuit; smart glass office so delicious chocolate covered shortbreads bearing a crest of some kind

Is there a correlation between the quality of biscuits and the company’s gross profit?

Monday evening: Visit the Duchess of Loon. Not a good day. It’s my fault she had a fall and she hates her slippers.

Tuesday: Lunch with my new best gay friend, who asks me to become trustee of his new Charity, whilst flirting outrageously with the waiter.

What’s he after? Can’t be my money, perhaps it’s my connections. Stop it that’s mean. He is a truly altruistic soul.

Wednesday: Clubbing, not in the way the offsprung know the meaning of the word.

Morning Coffee: Carlton Club with Zimmer framed gentleman who wants me to be his guest at a luncheon for some no doubt equally Zimmer framed gentleman who is being given something notable (forgot to note what)

What’s he after? Mental note to self: ‘check with office God’. Stop it that’s mean, he may be a truly altruistic soul.

Lunch: Boodles with office God and Trustee of yet another worthy Charity.
Watch office God in action, suitably impressed, he may be Zimmer frame brigade but is surely the master of ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’

Evening: Daughter’s Birthday party; bowling at the Bloomsbury. It’s been a long day don’t want to go. Hideous journey, three changes and in the rush hour. Office God has asked if I will have to behave like a grown up.

‘I think the offsprung’ friends would be somewhat disappointed if I did.’

Decide to stay an hour. Caught last train home. Youth, intelligence and decadence is such an invigorating combination.

Thursday: Black tie dinner to organise in nobby venue with nobby guests. Panic all day. Actually don’t panic but feel I should. Everything goes well, bizarre. Borrowed dress and killer shoes - very sore feet
Catch last train home.

Friday; 9.30 meeting for yet another worthy Charity. Hand over admin to my new assistant, have now been elevated to ‘observer’ and help myself to another biscuit; hotel conference room so Mcvities four chocolate chip kind and no crest.

Afternoon: Visit the Duchess. Better day, never had a fall and loves her slippers.

cancel visit to friend’s casino in Brighton – hate gambling, cancel going to dinner party on the pretext that had forgotten about visit to Casino.
Intention: gardening, ironing and maintenance for next week’s social whirl.

We shall see, ‘the road to hell’ as they say.


Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I could describe my social life to you, but I was hoping to cheer you up. Today I'm doing the washing and Mum-taxi-ing my son to Grimsby and back, when I go back to collect him at 4pm I'll have to play dodgems with all the taxi drivers, oh joy.
Tomorrow, same journey, but the roads will be empty, bliss.
Monday - 3.20pm, attend to grandson home from new secondary school, followed by my own son 5 mins later, cook tea for them.
Tuesday 10am take Mum for her appointment at the Doctor's, I asked her not to book Tuesday mornings because I normally go to the cinema at 10.30 Tuesday, *shrug*, 3.20pm attend to grandson home from new secondary school, followed by my own son 5 mins later, cook tea for them.
Wednesday - take Mum shopping to Tescos, take her & shopping home, have a quicksmiley - tea take her out to lunch then home. Then go home myself and attend to grandson home from new secondary school, followed by my own son 5 mins later, cook tea for them.

I daren't think as far as Thursday.

GB smiley - galaxy
smiley - hugsmiley - smooch


Post 3


You see
'same sh**' different frocks!'

Like hamsters on a treadmill we just go round and round.

It sounds very glam my work life but it's really about sore feet.
Take care

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