This is the Message Centre for Boots

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 1


Dreams can be so beautiful.
A timeless place where all is well
Where two can laugh and share their journey once again
A place where souls entwined can dance together on the shore
And fleetingly adore
I wish that waking could be so.

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 2

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

smiley - cuddle

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 3


smiley - hug

Beautifully said and I agree. Waking up to reality can be horrible.

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 4


Thank you both. Tis not the waking to the horrible reality that is hard, I don't do pathetic for heaven's sake!
It is the leaving the comfort of the dream.
take care

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 5


On the other hand, the happiness experienced in a dream can stay with you all day. Lately I don't seem to sleep enough to dream, but on the rare occasions when it happens it is a lovely feeling.

Wednesday 8.02 AM

Post 6


smiley - ok cool!
take care
boots (off to do battle with garage!)

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