This is the Message Centre for Boots

A natural born student?

Post 1


Possibly not.

How can one incur a hangover when not one drop of alcohol has been consumed? Head exercises are not my idea of a good night out.

I don't believe it! Why is the paying in book still on the table? Patrick promised he'd come round yesterday to pick it up. How come I've only just noticed it? Oh yes that nasty thing called 'homework' had my undivided attention...most unnatural.

Right take the paying in book round to Angela, she won't forget.

Oh look! Homework all done and nestling smugly in very smart looking briefcase, black of course. I think it is a designer something or other...thank you Baleesha a lovely leaving present. Don't think I should attempt the putting a secret code in game, I have enough trouble finding my car in the morning a secret code would I suspect be far too challenging.
Oh perhaps Angela could get me some shampoo as well?


Not bad girl. Half past eight. Angela has bank book and shopping list, you are an hour early for college and there are masses of parking spaces. This isn't going to be so bad after all.

Time for one last ciggy? Where did I put them? In my briefcase, which is where?



Brrrrrrr Brrrrrrr

'Hello Patrick'

'How did it go?'

'Well if you'd remembered to collect my paying in book yesterday it would have gone a whole lot better!'

'I don't understand why did you need your paying in book for college?'

'I didn't! Oh never mind'

It really isn't worth the effort.

'Can you come out to play?'

'No I can't I have work to do. Tomorrow I have to answer the student question 'Is must the same as have to?' In thirty seconds.

'Well that can't be too difficult if you've only got to speak for thirty seconds'

'Oh you don't think so? One bl**dy grammar book alone has four pages on the subject, I daren't even open the other two!

'Mmmmm could be a bit tricky. Can't you just read the first line?'

Ignore him.

'I also have to start my first asignment tonight. 1800 words with seven headings to discuss my obsevations and knowledge gained from a four and a half hour lesson in Hungarian!'

'Hungarian? Why are you learning Hungarian? I thought you were learning English. Did you go into the wrong class?'

'No I did not go into the wrong class. They just wanted us to have a four and a half hour lesson in Hungarian.'

He is right; it is most bizarre.

'That's just stupid! You don't speak a word of Hungarian! Did you understand anything?'

'Oh and just in case I get bored I have to plan a 'micro teach' for Thursday and somehow I don't think it has anything to do with ovens...Now s*d off I have work to do!'

A natural born student?

Post 2


smiley - laughsmiley - hug

A natural born student?

Post 3

LL Waz

" musth also must ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mst) n.
An annual period of heightened aggressiveness and sexual activity in male elephants, during which violent frenzies occur."

Dare you smiley - smiley.

30 seconds on that and the connections with 'have to'?

A natural born student?

Post 4

LL Waz

In googling to check I was right about that meaning of must I found an article on stressed elephant dung smiley - bigeyes. It truly is a weird world web out there.

A natural born student?

Post 5


Evening all. This gets tougher. If you know any TESOL teachers out there please point them my way. The blue petering is doing my head in. Have spent the last two hours downloading graphics with no idea of how I am going to use them or even if they are remotely relative. The clock says 9.15 it feels like three in the morning!
take care

A natural born student?

Post 6


All I can offer is smiley - hug and a smiley - coffee.

Neither beanfoto or Solnushka have been online for ages.

A natural born student?

Post 7


I don't think i should tell you this.....

But then again, maybe it will let you know i FULLY understand "the..the...the...OH MY GOD I DONT KNOW & the tutor's going to ask me to teach this" syndrome, because...

*retires to private booth*

I too did a TEFL course. At the time it seemed like a sensible option. I even assumed in my naivety that because I had Grade One GCE "O"level Eng.Lang,plus a teaching certificate & 18 yrs experience teaching kids, i could sail through it.

I certainly didn't, but i passed. It's NOT easy, but stick with it is all i can say. Certainly it can increase your options in life, and having just endured a French lesson taught by someone who breaks just about every rule you will be shown, i now know that the teacher (even whilst still on the course, with hovering hyper-critical tutors & peer group) has ONE major advantage over the poor, quivering student.

They do at least have some vague idea of what they are talking about!

smiley - goodluck!!!!

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

A natural born student?

Post 8


Thanks folks. Have just finished the IPA practice...the f*****g Hungarian IPA practice!
That will have to do for tonight.
take care
boots (off to bed humming 'Where have all the flowers gone...?')

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