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A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 1


It's all in the voice.

The deep tones that fill the theatre with phantoms of the golden screen which, according to the punctuation rules, should be followed by a meaning but which so don't need to be.
The face is pretty and the script is sound but it is the silver screen and not reality…

It doesn't work for me.

The voice however does and always did.

Sometimes the timbre, other times the mind…amend… always the mind… but better assisted if the resonance has meaning and if 'tis spoken with a voice of mellow velvet.

Does one believe in the words?

One should never. Words that are spoken are easy… lazy words created by your favourite mother, her of the invention variety.

Word so well practised they slip off tongue… oft used in history to open the cave once hidden by Sesame, now so commonly abused the meaning is trite.

But hey ho I am the sucker. Not for me does the ball go to the back of the net and the crowd and I rise in mutual gratification…I wish, 't would be so easy. But no, competitive sport is not my button.

Words and voices are alas.

The sublime and bizzare voices of reason and discord lift my soul, I am lost in a world of words which expresses with inarticulate professionalism the legacy of literature birthed by the monster we call intellect.

Where did we start? Buttons! That was it, which ones are pressed by who? The man called Bush has one, poor man it won't do him much good and could curtail his pension fund…

The world is full of charged buttons being pressed.

Why do I always fall for the voice? It lets you down at every crossroad.

A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 2

LL Waz

Once found myself falling for a pair of hands, it was strange.

You ok Boots?

A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 3


Me too, wistful, slightly verge of hysterical, tearful, wondering. Why? Words, voices, accents, promises. Hands too; they can hold promises of beauty & hope.


Sometimes it's all a bit too much isn't it?

Loss is lonely. Not nice at all. Take care Boots.

Thinking of you.



A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 4


Thanks's those b****y double vokas and Fridays...b*****d combination!
take it away boots
take care

A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 5


smiley - hug

Just take each moment as it comes on the bad days Boots. I hope today is a better one, Vitamin C as well as ibuprofen helps the smiley - hangover no end.

It will be a tough time of year for you, just remember it will pass very quickly.

smiley - rose

A rose by any other name would still be a word

Post 6

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs


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