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Hello and Welcome Xandre...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation Jan 21, 2003
Hi Xandre....
I suspect your are not new..and..that this is a seceond..(or more)'ll not leave you my usual list of links..I'll just say.."hi..and Welcome"....
..if I'm mistaken..if you are a 'true newbie'..your doing great..
Who is this Xandre...?
xoandre Posted Jan 28, 2003
Hello Emy,
Who is this Xandre you are speaking of?
Is it that you might think I am a friend of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" or did you just looose and "o" in the mix?
Ah, well nothing is serious in life except the little thing called death that we so humbly fear (some of us anyway).
The primary reason I have been non-responsive over the past few days is that I absent-mindedly misplaced a bit of password and even changed my email account without noting that I had done so. Perhaps it is the other me that snuck up behind myself and spooked me out of it long enough to alter my preferences... Luckily the other me had not had the time to make alterations other than that.
No, I have been a newbie before, but only in certain places. I am versed in HTML and learning the new GuideML whenever I can. Working that most chaotic of jobs in DISCOUNT RETAIL is challenging enough... Doing it in the crisis that President Bush and his clown clan have created is even more problematic...
I apologise for any words or remarks that seem utterly American, as I am a born-and-raised Illinois Native. On top of that I am an Oglala Lakota of the Sioux Native American Tribe. NO, I do not live on the Rez (Reservation) and have never been to one. My grandparents' parents were part of our tribe who were physically beaten until they gave up all their beliefs, language, lifestyle, and essence of who they were. Who did this to them? you ask?
Catholic Priests and Nuns in cohorts with Southern Baptist Preachers and Bible-thumpers.
BTW: I am anti-religious. All because of this. My family is primarily Southern Baptist, but after doing many years of research into my family history, I find that a religion that smiles at the followers, yet destroys all that is NOT LIKE them and all that they DO NOT UNDERSTAND... Well, it's just plain wrong.
I do not mean to offend. I simply mean to explain what and who I am.
If you take offense at my sentiments, just do a little research into your local library archives and you will see how this "land of the free, home of the brave" was truly "settled."
For those who still remain upset, I would like to apologise that the truth is offensive.
for now...
--Xo out
Who is this Xandre...?
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jan 28, 2003
Hi Xoandre....thanks for replying..&..
..I got your name wrong..I'm probably more absent minded than you..and forgot to put the 'o' in your name..(I've never watched Buffy)..
Forgetting passwords is something I'm familiar with....done that a few times..though not here at h2g2..
You 'pick up' things very quickly to be able to make your page look so good after such a short time....
Like in any community..there are people here with different religious beliefs..(I'm an atheist)..IMO..none are right or wrong..just different....
xoandre Posted Jan 28, 2003
This will hardly be the tirade you saw in the previouos posting.
Simply put, you mention that you are an athiest.
I used to be an athiest, uuntil I realised the truth: I AM GOD.
Every person in their own little mind, in their own little world that they imagine revolves around them, every being who seeks truth beyond the words in the black book that is purported to be the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-everything book, everyone is their own god.
We are all free to experiment with how our reality shapes itself.
In that case, it is truly mind-boggling how many are so brain-washed into believing the nonsense their parents were brainwashed into...
One of the greatest questions in the world was written by Carl Sagan.
It is this:
"95% of the world's population believes in a supreme being in one form or another... I just honestly couldn't in good conscience vote for a person who doesn't believe in God. Someone who honestly thinks the other 95% of us suffer from some form of mass delusion..."
Yes, the other 95% do suffer from mass delusion.
that is all for now...
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jan 29, 2003
Nice to hear from you again....
I'm ..I have to admit..I found your post a little confusing..maybe because I've had too many late nights..and feeling a bit
Hope your finding your way around this vast site..if you need any help or advice..don't hesitate to ask....
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Hello and Welcome Xandre...
- 1: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Jan 21, 2003)
- 2: xoandre (Jan 28, 2003)
- 3: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Jan 28, 2003)
- 4: xoandre (Jan 28, 2003)
- 5: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Jan 29, 2003)
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