This is the Message Centre for Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths
Secret Heavenly Business
Herald of Heaven Started conversation Mar 9, 2003
please forgive my lack of haste in arriving, i have no excuse (except that i've been working and i've generally not been harold lately, but that's neither here nor there...)
i'm here now! and thank you for your application to become a guardian angel
. you have asked to be the patron saint of goths which should be perfectly fine. i'm thinking there should be a sainting ceremony sometime in the near future now, i'm going to go oil the machine today, as a matter of fact.
so, while you're waiting, you might come up with some ideas of what you would like to wear for your ceremony, what kind of halo or wings you'd like to receive, and if there are any special details you would like to have observed (like an escort or any props you'd like to use). if you like you can read through some of the old ceremony threads to get an idea of the kinds of things that can happen at these shindigs, all in the name of preparedness. then there are those who prefer to fly by the seats of their pants older threads can be found in heaven if you are interested.
again, my apologies for my delay in getting here. if you have any other questions feel free to ask, and i'll do my best to answer for you.
Secret Heavenly Business
Saint DIABLOS.P.O.D. -Patron Saint of Goths Posted Mar 9, 2003
dont worry ive quite an idea already of what goes on, but ill come up with some ideas of useful things
Secret Heavenly Business
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Mar 14, 2003
Hi DIABLOS, I'm going to be your Archangel, and your ceremony will take place tomorrow morning 15/3/3 at 10am GMT, you can be there and participate if you like but it doesn't matter if you can't.
The PS of Goths eh?
No problemos.......
Secret Heavenly Business
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Mar 24, 2003
Congratulations Saint Diablos - Patron Saint of Goths!
This is your invitation to our e-group:
and of course your All-Access Pass to Heaven:
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Secret Heavenly Business
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