A Conversation for The Grateful Dead

Grateful Dead and other bands

Post 1

Researcher 47158

Yes, there IS (or sadly was) nothing like a Grateful Dead concert. So much so, that I think it would be a great idea to have an article in the guide about bands, musicians or genres who transcend all the usual cliches and are genuinely different. Who have changed the world or the way people look at the world or each other in some important way. The idea is fraught with dangers, I admit. People just saying their band is the greatest but with no further justification. People getting the wrong idea in the first place and thinking that just being great is sufficient. 'Influential' is the key word here. People rubbishing each other's choices, probably with no valid reason at all. Anyway, the tone of your article makes me feel sure you understand what I mean.
Finally, my own nomination (in addition to The Dead) is Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band. Over to you.

Grateful Dead and other bands

Post 2


I like the way you tied Joseph Campbell's ideas in with the Deadheads. I can remember going to shows and to a restaurant afterwards and getting the snickers from the waitresses about our tie-dyes etc. and just thinking, boy, you don't even realize the importance of the event you just missed.smiley - surfer

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Grateful Dead and other bands

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