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A brief Canadian thought on the election of Barack Obama.

Post 1


Let's not be smug. We'll catch up to the U.S. when a Harper named Elijah holds the Prime Minister's job with an eagle feather in his hand.smiley - erm

A brief Canadian thought on the election of Barack Obama.

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly


smiley - rofl

I've never felt that Canadians' pride in social accomplishments was all that well placed. Our history has a number of shining moments but on the whole we are not quite the tolerant, caring, social country we like to think we are.

A brief Canadian thought on the election of Barack Obama.

Post 3


A baby seal walks into a bar.

The bartender says 'what'll you have?'

The baby seal says 'anything but a Canadian Club'.

I heard a former Ontario MPP on the radio this morning talking about how racism is a bigger problem in Canada now than it was twenty years ago, something I'm not sure that I doubt. On the subject, I would recommend John Ralston Saul's latest, 'A Fair Country', in which he argues that our philosophical roots are in the idea of an ever growing circle of inclusion, but that idea has always been endangered by an idea pushed by the elites of exclusivity and conformity.

Which brings us back to Prime Minister Harper and the history of Canadian conservatism in the last quarter of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st.smiley - sadface

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A brief Canadian thought on the election of Barack Obama.

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