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R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 1


smiley - rocketsmiley - rose

He hoped to walk on Mars and intended to go to the Moon and, in truth, he let us all do both.smiley - brave

For the past few months I've been enjoying my way (I originally typed 'working my way', but it is not in any sense 'work') the works of Sir Arthur (I'm half way through 'The Sands of Mars' right now).

He will be sadly missed, and, in a real sense, happily with us still.

(I've posted this in 'Ask' as well, since it is a story with quite wide appeal)

R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

RIP, indeed. smiley - rose

But..... I had heard some rather bizarre stories about why he moved to Sri Lanka... smiley - erm

R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 3


I heard that it was advantageous tax laws.smiley - erm

R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 4


'Childhood's End', was one of my favourite books

smiley - brave

Thanks for the stories and the inspiration smiley - rose

R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 5


I find it amazing to realize that Childhood's End was published 55 years ago. And, interestingly, it was published 55 years after the War of the Worlds. Who is the author working today who will be seen by history as standing beside Wells and Clarke?

R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke

Post 6


If you discover him or her, please let me know smiley - grovel

I haven't found very many storytellers that even come close to Clarke, or Asimov

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