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heh heh. heh heh.

Post 1


I've wanted to do this for years. actually, I did do it years ago by linking up two VHS and one betamax machine. This was much easier:

I'm off for a red needle.smiley - smiley

heh heh. heh heh.

Post 2


smiley - laugh

You do realize you are quite mad

smiley - cheers

heh heh. heh heh.

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I'm waiting for *The Wizard of Oz* set to *Dark Side of the Moon* on YouTube. Somewhat less risque but a classic none the less.

smiley - rofl

was there a point to that?

Post 4

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office


I'm confused.

was there a point to that?

Post 5


smiley - erm

confused by what?

was there a point to that?

Post 6

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

It's the filmic equivalent of ISIHAC's One Song to the Tune of Another, isn't it? But I don't recognise either piece, so don't fully appreciate the artistry in putting them together. You need to know the originals before you can understand what's happening when they're played with.

TRiG.smiley - sleepy

was there a point to that?

Post 7


It is, indeed, just on tune put onto the video of another. The audio is Leonard Cohen's 'Don't go home with your hardon' from his 1977, Phil Spector produced album 'Death of a Ladies' Man' and the video is Madonna's forgettable but controversial at the time (1990) 'Justify My Love'. Somehow when I first saw the Madonna video I associated it with the Cohen song and was surprised at how well they fit together when I was making a long audio-visual pastiche to play on various screens during a somewhat legendary (locally) Hallowe'en party.

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