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The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 1


'The analyses showed that IQ scores in every population measured are systematically rising over time, with each succeeding generation apparently smarter than its predecessor.'

No, realy, the absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important.smiley - erm

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 2


Apparently the esteemed professor faile to include the participants of some of the current conversations in 'Ask'

smiley - groan

I really wish I could have some of that absinthe... smiley - wah

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 3


Right. It needs to be said:

Of all the hootooers, if YOU are ever in the neighborhood -- drop by: I've got far, far more than absinthe in the cellar.

smiley - evilgrin

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 4


smiley - brave

Thanks man smiley - ok

That stuff must be REALLY good! smiley - laugh

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 5


tho ohl theoy ahoayo buolaap[

smiley - winkeye

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 6


and this ain't important at all:

(although the little dance of the yellow pentagrams in the middle somehow seems so.smiley - erm)

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 7


smiley - laugh

The song was familiar, but I had not seen the animation smiley - silly

The sky is clear tonight, although it's too smiley - bleep cold to stargaze for very long.

I'm lucky to live far from the over-bright urban glow smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - star

Think I'll have a smiley - stiffdrink --- fireball smiley - devil

Maybe play the guitar for a bit.. smiley - musicalnote

Actually log out for a while smiley - winkeye

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 8

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - winkeye

It sounds like you make better stuff than we can buy here:

smiley - smiley

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 9


Yjsy'd yjr dyigg zo esmy rf upi yp hry gpt ,r/

smiley - winkeye

That's the stuff I wanted you to get for me. But not a thousand dollar case of it.smiley - yikes

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 10

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

That does look interesting. I've never taken an IQ test. How valid are they?

TRiG.smiley - smiley

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 11


There is and has been much debate about intelligence tests.

I don't know what more to say.smiley - erm

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 12


I'm surprised, and impressed, you can say anything at all smiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 13


I woke up about 3 this morning with my reading glasses still on and my copy of Scientific American mysteriously absent. Bloody thujone.smiley - steam

I found the magazine long after sunrise. Under the bed.

The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 14

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Have ye checked yer bottom?



The absinthe is getting to me tonight, but this seems important

Post 15

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Or even

smiley - tongueout

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