A Conversation for Great Comedy Acts


Post 1


In my opinion Blackadder is the best comedy ever written. There are hilarious insults and comical stupidity throughout the four series and two special episodes. Ben Elton (Rowan Atkinson series 1) and Richard Curtis have done a marvelous job and its sad that no more were made because I could watch Blackadder forever.

They had excellent guest appearances such as Rik Mayall - Flasheart, Peter Cook - Henry Tudor, Ade Edmondson - Baron von Richtoven and more. Angus Deayton even appeared as a jumping Jew from Jerusalem.

The fact that they have managed to combine history and comedy so well is absolutely fabulous as history is my favourite subject and to make it amusing is great!!!

Fry and Laurie are an awesome pair and they play outstanding roles as Melchett and the rather stupid George. Rowan Atkinson and Tony Robinson also play their roles superbly. There is not one actor who doesn't deserve credit. I would particularly like to give credit to Tim McInnerny who plays Percy and Darling because I believe he is understated and is easily as good as (if not better in my opinion) than a majority of the other actors.

I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen, but quite frankly, who hasn't?

I would love to congratulate everyone in Blackadder and everyone behind the scenes on doing such a top-hole job!

Tally-bally-ho!!!smiley - ok


Post 2


Blackadder is a hilarious comedy, with great put-downs and witty puns. The final scene in Blackadder Goes Forth was beautifully done, though its the humour that will stay long in the memory. IMHO only Fawlty Towers can compete for best tv comedy.smiley - biggrin


Post 3


Blackadder is a majestic gem of a comedy series, the original Blackadder was mediocre, Blackadder 2 was comedy at its best, Blackadder the Third riotously funny and Blackadder Goes Forth the second funniest series of the show (Blackadder 2 is my favourite). Is there anyone else alive who can make you laugh purely based on the pronunciation of the name "Bob"smiley - cheerup ? I don't think so!

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