A Conversation for Great Comedy Acts

Emo Phillips

Post 1

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Possibly the funniest person to appear on stage while doing a permanent impersonation of a sloth. His funniest joke?
"When I was a child my parents told me never to open the cellar door. One day, I was very brave, and I crept up to the cellar door. I pushed it aside, and what did I see? A hallway, front door, hatstand...."
smiley - laugh

Emo Phillips

Post 2


Saw him live last year - he looks a little different (the hair's a little greyer and not so droopy) but the act is just as mad.

"I used hear my mom and dad arguing about me - my mom would be saying 'y'see, I told you he'd live'".

smiley - laugh


Emo Phillips

Post 3


I have had very limited exposure to Emo Phillips. The only time I've ever really seen anything from him is the little bit he did in Weird Al's movie 'UHF,' which I thought was completely hilarious. The bit with Emo Phillips was so funny but totally visual.

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