This is the Message Centre for wazzow

hi i'm back!!!!

Post 1


Hi Wazzow

I'm back. Tha last time we spoke (or typed) was just over a year ago and I've loads of probs trying to get back into my profile on h2g2 but they seem to have finally sorted themselves out!!!

So how are ya?? Tell me how things are goin'

Bethal (now grooverbethal to login???!!)

hi i'm back!!!!

Post 2


hiya mate,

long time no speak,sorry i have'nt been around for a while but the fun police at work disabled our internet access..smiley - grr

anyways i'm fine i think..smiley - laugh

listen sorry this is short & sweet i'm just passing by but if you fancy a chat you can catch me on my email address at my page or

[email protected]

i'm on nights this week so any distraction would be welcome.

take care & i hope we talk soon..


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