This is the Message Centre for Boots

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 1

LL Waz

Hello Boots, came by to point you to an email address. You'll find it here A594524, I'll take it down once you have it. I don't put it on my space because it has my name in it (as is obvious when you see it). Not that it matters too much. The words stable door, horse and bolt come to mind. I've already been identified, and 'outed', in public, in the village! Couldn't believe it when it happened. But there you go.

That's part of the reason for the two cloaks. Part of the rest is a lack of confidence that is just plain daft at my age. I think a guide to buying flowers is an excellent idea by the way.

Oh and while I'm tidying up several loose threads we've been talking on; I don't know anything about how blog sites work either. My brother was interested in them so I had a look. They seem much like the h2 home page but without the forum system. But they are more free than h2, less houserule/copyright/moderation issues. I like h2. I found it within days of getting on to the internet for the first time and I've never found the motivation to join in anywhere else. It'll be three years ago in if you're a teenager after three months...that makes me...156!

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 2


Cheers Waz...Didn't snoop on site just took down email! Will send something over later....Have a sneaky morning off and don't have the luxury of cheap access at home...will rectify someday. Agree 'outing' is scary.....someone might not like you! However,have worked on building a seriously 'bossy, self opinionated, already hated interfering' village shouldn't make too much difference if and when it happens...the close few know the real me...that's all that matters.
Agree with you about just seems to have it all. The more I trawl, the greater the shrinking of my ego! Your seventies piece was awesome by the way....licked wounds all afternoon, I was almost tempted to put it into word and do a word how sad is that?
thanks for all your help oh ancient one...OK, I'll go back and edit 'my space' got that wrong as well! hey ho.
Yjanks for everything speak to you soon.
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 3

LL Waz

Seventies piece? I don't think that was me! Sounds like one of the collaborative entries that get written up by the italics. Snoop away, by the way, although there's not much there - those links are from the days when the Beeb wouldn't let us put links in conversations and you had to send people to a page like that if you wanted to share a web site you'd found with them.

'bossy, self opinionated, already hated interfering' smiley - laugh really? hmmm...

"the close few know the real me" ah but if you show the real you here, and they identify you here the cats out the bag! The outing was funny really, but it took me aback and I do bear it in mind when I post here. Coming from a very small village, and having written entries on it means that work colleagues could also, in theory, work it out.

Your email arrived and I astonished myself by managing to find where the files had gone once they'd downloaded. I haven't read anything yet - I've been out all evening but will do as soon as I can. I'm looking forward to it.

You must be trawling around the good spots on h2. There is some really good writing here but there's a lot, a lot, that's very ordinary. You underestimate what you do. We need the likes of yourself and Pinniped, and those that write for CAC etc. to raise the standards.

It's past midnight - I'm off,
'til later,

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 4


This site is soooooooooooooooooooo oonfusing. Sorry if the seventies piece wsan't all yours...I'm sure the best bits were! italics? editors? never was much good at languages. Day job calls tap later.
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 5

LL Waz

I've been reading smiley - smiley. I like it, I need to read some more and have a think. I'll get back to you shortly.

Italics, also known as The Towers, TPTB, or the powers that be, are indeed the editors. h2 is certainly confusing, and enormous and has developed its own jargon.

I saw your flower buying guide in Peer Review by the way. I liked it a lot. An ideal guide entry - one you learn something from that's a pleasure to read. I'll drop by there and say so later.

Waz, off to smiley - zzz

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 6

LL Waz

Hi, I just answered your email and forget to return your good wishes for easter. A good Easter Monday afternoon to you smiley - chick!

Isn't it difficult getting to know people on the internet when you can't see reactions? But I like the lack of baggage - appearance and 'accessories', that people use in RL to make judgements.

Btw your email came through dated 9th Jan 1997, are you time travelling? If you have a tardis it's very unfair to keep it to yourself.

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 7


Home poota. Haven't a clue how to change the date!
Off to work
Back soon

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 8

LL Waz

Ahh, perhaps best not to try - in case it's a Year 2000 bug?
Working? On the bank holiday? I thought that would be a holiday you would get.

I was looking for your florists entry in PR but couldn't find it. Having read it, a while back, I paid a lot more attention to buying flowers yesterday. I searched for a florist and found we no longer have one. So choice between Tesco and the grocer. I didn't want T's mixed posies so had to go for the best of the overpriced, squashed freesias at the grocer. (I did want freesias).
Well time for easter eggs for lunch I think,

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 9


took it out of Pr to do a bit of work on it. Huge subject...could become more than tiresome! Glad you went for the freesia's...not a huge corporation fan.
Yes boring the 'work bank holidays in fact any holiday' game. Nasty but useful thing called 'contract flowers'. offices have them every week, hotels, hairdressers etc. Have to either be deiivered sunday or on bank holidays monday, else at some offending hour at the beginning of the working week. Not too bad... get to go out with my better half (yes we do work and play together!) And it gelps with the rates! Have to do one huge pedestal on site every week...looks lovely though makes up for the GW's we have to churn out on a saturday to compete with the anchor. Going for a lurk back soon. Enjoy the she sniffs the air!
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 10


Tardis seems to have packed up completely! tried to send mail to the offsprung and it into cyberspace but according to sent box didn't go. Hmmm interesting. Yes it is strange talking to strangers but quite nice too. I think it helps with RL judgement. Was chatting to a young security guard in an office this morning, not my usual modus operandi but it turns out he's a huge Terry Pratchett fan...not particularly my (cup of tea smilie) but have noticed than many h2g2's are big fans, so suggested he try the site. he has to spend up to 17 hours patrolling this vast building and gets pretty bored of terrestial TV. He does however have internet access so who knows...I may have saved his sanity!
I think the mystery on site is quite 'cool' too. In RL I suspect I am considered more than a tad dull (that a lie, eccentric is more truthful). I am the only one who realises, (having mistakenly believed for far too many years that I am unique, witty, wonderful company etc etc) that I am in fact incredibly dull!
RL is often a convenient mask we learn to fill.
OK off to unlimited access in the tardis. Will pop back later when Ravager is bored!
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 11

LL Waz

Re PR - use your own judgement on what needs to go in. It's a while since I spent much time there but it's fairly common for people to keep suggesting more should go in. The key is defining the limits of what you're writing about in the title, if possible, in the intro. otherwise. I thought it was pretty complete for what you set out to do myself. I should have been quicker off the mark to post in the PR thread. Sorry about that. The other thing with PR is that the scouts won't do anything until it's been there for a week. I think it's a week minimum. Then you have to wait for one with some 'picks' left in his quota to come along. They'll pick it if they like it regardless of other comments on the thread.

I enjoyed the egg(s) thankyou. I have far too many - eggs for tea as well and I even had some for breakfast. My mother found Woollies three for two offer, we always swap eggs at Easter.

I refuse to belive you're dull. Eccentric I can believe. Is that rude? It's not meant that way. I respect the confidence to not care about standing out in the crowd. Doing what you feel like doing. Now I am dull company. I am quite capable, indeed I've often done it, of going through an entire dinner without saying anything beyond the polite necessities of 'please pass the salt' and 'yes, certainly'. I don't think in conversational language, it's a handicap. I listen well though!

Can I ask what you meant by 'I think it helps with RL judgement'? I've certainly found the contact with so many different points of view is an eye opener.

Hope you had fun playing,

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 12


hey cool this is fun!
think I can be a not great judge of character in RL. Don't listen as well as you I suspect. getting better with age. I don't mean I take people on looks or appearance but suspect I put too much weight on communication. Some really lovely and amazing people do not have great, or chose not to show, instant communication skills. My lack of patience can mistakenly see this as boring and dull rather than deep and loss. and My other half is more astute than I and less easily led, but when he does make a bad judgement it's a cracker!
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 13

LL Waz

smiley - laugh well you can hardly be blame yourself for getting it wrong with people who don't communicate! I don't blame people who do that to me - I blame myself. And rightly too. I do get cross when they don't listen when I do say something though.

Lack of communication may well mean dull, I read something the other day, here, about keeping one's mouth shut and looking a fool rather than opening it and proving it to be the case. There's a lot of of truth in that. Someone I worked with used to say still waters ran deep. I used to think, but never said of course, that stagnant ponds were pretty still too.

'It's a cracker' sounds like a story...

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 14


You are too wise! Methinks I should take leaf out of book and pass the condiments at next outing. Dull I dearly doubt but sage and with a great understanding of 'thyme'would, I suspect, be accurate. Ravager takes the whole communication lesson to its logical conclusion. When tired and assured that coversation has past both the fool and the stagnant pond stage...he goes to bed! He cares not a jot about others opinion of himself and therefore is loved and respected. And as to his lack of judgment...he ended up with me, a cruel harpy!
The offsprung once asked why her father who knew so much, shared so little...I advised that I who knew so little was so intent on papering the planet with my mediocrity that his pearls stood not a chance...she laughed. We laughed was nice. I did pass it on and they do talk now and laugh which is also nice. I listen and laugh and that is nice too.

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 15

LL Waz

That is nice. And nice to hear of. Sounds to me like your Ravager has very good judgement and your offsprung are very lucky in their parents.

Sage and thyme hey? Sounds perilously close to a recipe for stuffing smiley - biggrin. Well I have a couple more postings to do then I need to go and get some clothes washed. I'm off on a work related couple of days away. If I don't get the washing done tonight I'll be lacking decent clothes as well as conversation at dinner. Work related talk is my field. I need a few lines. 'And how are your assets doing this year?', 'just how well balanced are you these days?' 'Wow! Is that the latest accounting standard...!?' What do you think?

I think I'll stick to please pass the salt.

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 16


Have a good trip...sorry about the stuffing! Not meant that way as you well know! Have done next week's lfg is flowing most freely...thanks. Actually enjoying it heaps.
Go on throw, sock it tpo em at the convention! Come out with something outrageous...I bet half of them lurk on this site!
Have a good one
Take care

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 17

LL Waz


"as you well know!" smiley - biggrin
"enjoying it heaps" smiley - ok
"half of them lurk on this site!" smiley - yikes
"next week's lfg" smiley - bigeyes where?

Waz (back)

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 18


Hi Waz glad the course went well. been a bit busy in RL for the past few days...the wedding season is upon us alas! had a great RL weekend too catching up with old friends. Will be a bit busy over the next twelve weeks but shall try and post and answer conversations in the gaps. Hope youare keeping well. That sprout is a pretty good dud methinks...consumate writer too damn the vegetable!
Take care and catch up soon.
Boots (18 pounds lighter!!!)

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 19

LL Waz

18!!!?? twice smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - stars, and more, that's impressive. Are you pleased? You must be. '!!!' looks pleased. Have 7 x smiley - bubbly's smiley - smiley.

The trip away was ok, the company was good (I was doing them an injustice, it was good to see them again), the food was good, the wine very good, the work...was ok but I came back with homework. My own fault - I volunteered. I'm an idiot, I hate this stuff, it's an exercise in masochism. I'm going to get wound up and bad tempered about it in an attempt to make myself get on with it and get it over with.

I had an interesting conversation with someone who knows the new boss we're getting in July. She'd said we'd get on with him, which is good. And some other things which weren't so good - interesting times ahead.

A season for weddings - I'd never thought about it but there is isn't there. I will look forward to your postings when they arrive, I hope not too infrequently, and I'll try not to nag for more epidoses of the florist's guide. But I'm not promising. I think you're right about about the Sprout. I've only come across him fairly recently, in connection with the Underguide and AWW.

Loose threads and other odds and ends

Post 20


Oh dear you too have the 'I'm a volunteer stamp' do you? Still it beats bordeom! I love those 'what's the new boss going to be like?' discussions. look back on it in six months and see who was right! It's always a surprise...sometimes delightful but often not.
Yes quite pleased with the disappearing pounds, trouble is I now travel with a couple of carrier bags which pick up the slack...somehow it doesn't bounce back the way it used to. Ravager gently explored my body in the old days, now he needs his glasses to navigate the b road wrinkles!
The wedding season is worse than the football season. Mothers of brides make football managers look like priests. The Brides are generally really nice, it's the entourage that brings out the scissors!
They all want to get married in late may or june and we have more wet weekends in those two months than at any other time in the year. September is a good bet and early october, although not popular, has the dryest weekends of the year and the foliage (ivy etc) is the best its ever going to be... but 'mummy knows best'!
Take care

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