A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3061


kat i was having a great evening but i looked in the mirror an and it spoilt it all

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3062

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugHi Alexandria I hope you will have a good day.smiley - hug

Take care Alexandriasmiley - hug


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3063

Reality Manipulator

Good evening everyonesmiley - smiley


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3064

Evoot - Back in Black!!


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3065

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugHi Claireysmiley - hug


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3066

Evoot - Back in Black!!

hi kat!!

has there beeen any new punters in here recentlntly?

clairey x

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3067

Reality Manipulator

Clairey it has been quiet here, there has not been that many people on h2g2 during the Christmas period.smiley - hug I think quite a few people have had the flu badly. I hope you have been free from the flu.smiley - hug

Take care Claireysmiley - hug


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3068

Evoot - Back in Black!!


aww i see...

i dont think ive had flu meself lf lf but i have been ill thru xmas, didnt et eat much at all cos of it..

u have ok xmassymas?

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3069

~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534

hiya all

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3070

Evoot - Back in Black!!




The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3071

~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534


21 f west mids n u plz

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3072

Evoot - Back in Black!!


im 18 (nearly 19)/f/gloucester..

hows ur day been?

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3073

~Buffy~GODDESS of chosen ones~Manageress and Slayer of The Boars Head A1042534

day not bin too bad, urs?

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3074

Reality Manipulator

smiley - hugClairey I never eat alot at xmas but my favourite food is smiley - xmaspud. I hope you are better now.smiley - hug

smiley - hug<Hi Buffy I hope you are keeping well.smiley - hug


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3075


hi buffy how are you

is it just me or is this the room with the best looking peeps shame i walked in really lol

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3076


O..M..G..!!! never thought i'd be in the LD pub again lol

this site is deffo goin on mi favourites list and mi cool links in mi profiles.... its great to see so many familiar names.

hope everyone has a good new year mwhaaaaaa to ya all tc

!..DodgyBird..! / -_Do-I-Know-You_- / Leeds_Lady2002


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3077

Reality Manipulator

Hi Alexandria and Dodgy Birdsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Alexandria I am sorry I was not here last night but I was taking my Dad to hospital and I got back by taxi as it is 18 miles away from us. I was exhausted by the time I got back home as I have been having bad night's due to lack of sleep, I have very dry and itchy skin that keeps me awake most of the night.smiley - hug

Dodgy Bird I do not know if you remember me but I was called either Jedi girl/ Jedi woman or Padawan when I was on LD.


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3078


yeah Kat i remember ya... well ya names anyway lol JediWoman im sure it was, owz things with you? did u av a good xmas?

The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3079

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersThanks Dodgy Bird I hope you are keeping well too, I have had a great Christmas, I hope you had a smiley - cool one too. I have been having problems getting and staying on here. I hope you have not had any problems getting on here.smiley - hug


The FoLDers bar# 21

Post 3080


Not had any probs as of yet lol, but i know my luck... i'll no doubt get some lol

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