This is the Message Centre for marlowe is dead

zero zero zero zero

Post 1

marlowe is dead

If I were a zero
I'd be a hero
but since I'm at least a one
life will never be fun

I'm upset.

zero zero zero zero

Post 2

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother


zero zero zero zero

Post 3

marlowe is dead

Because I've been pushed over smiley - sadface

zero zero zero zero

Post 4

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

Who pushed you over?

zero zero zero zero

Post 5

marlowe is dead

a big bully did..but I'm no longer upset! smiley - smiley!!

zero zero zero zero

Post 6

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Well if he does it to you again, send him over to me and me and my biker mates will beat him up for you!!!!!!smiley - biggrin

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