This is the Message Centre for Ian Timmy


Post 1


This is the voice of the Mr Loins. Just testing out this whole chatting thing.


Post 2

Ian Timmy

Sorry took so long to reply. Im here now.


Post 3


can you smack craig for me?are you in this weekend?


Post 4

Ian Timmy

How about stab kick burn and poison him. No ive got the weekend off. Thank god. Ive got some serious compaints about craig, im gonna have to say to John Lacey about him cos Noel's not doing anything!


Post 5


I'm meant to coach him, but I can't. Noel still has that quiz off your sister.Even if I could still coach him,it's been too busy.


Post 6

Ian Timmy

I reckon a couple of us should get together and work out a training course say lasting a day, to teach him how to do his job. Im sure other people dotted around the place could benefit aswell. Sort of a refresher course. Obviously sitting in with him isnt working.


Post 7


We should definately have a supercoach meeting, so we can discuss ideas and general stuff.We could share any training techniques and any problem CSR's.Maybe John or Mark could attend.


Post 8

Ian Timmy

Good idea. Ill have to propose it.


Post 9

Ian Timmy

Welcome back.


Post 10


is there any way to delete these?


Post 11

Ian Timmy

Dont think so. Have to let them pile up like a big pile of evidence. DO you know who the people who had awols?


Post 12

Ian Timmy



Post 13


Damn. Then we can't talk about anyone with any degree of intelligence in case they see this. But that Katie May, whats the deal with her and those trifles??

I think the awols were: Chris x2, Donna, Sally, Mark.


Post 14

Ian Timmy

I dunno about that. Surely Chris would have been fired after 2 awols?

Trifles are good. But i didnt know about Katie. Has she got a fetish that I dont know about?

Im sure no-one will ever see this. And if they do our full names arent on here so we'll deny everything!!!!


Post 15


If we carry on in your or my Journal, you can delete the journal entry.But it still shows up on Conversations, but thats only shows up on My Space (I think)

back to chris, I think he had a good excuse.

Over to journel, then?

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