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hi from Moira
Laguna Sunrise Started conversation Feb 16, 2003
HI Phil, How are you? I don't come in here much. I can't get the hang of it. I keep getting lost. I sent you a msg last week but I don't know if you r
eceived it. I have some more pics to send you and shall go and do it now. Give my to Mum. Hope to hear from you soon.
's Moira
hi from Moira
BROOKSIDE Posted Feb 16, 2003
hello moira im really over the
to hear from you
yes i got your email hun but my
email has been acting stupid lol my mums fine thanks shes just had her dinner im having a mixed grill later with my brother vinny anyway moira thanks for the emails and i send
all my to you and dave
from phil xxx big cuddles xxxx
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hi from Moira
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."