This is the Message Centre for kirbsea
Hello, Kirbsea!
zendevil Started conversation Dec 26, 2002
Hi there, for putting something on your space; it really helps when people can go straight there if they want to say something to you!
You'll still appear as Researcher 212335 on postings though, unless you go back to "edit" & actually put it in as your nickname.
How long have you been nursing? It sounds like the most thankless task imaginable given all that I hear about the state of the NHS at the moment. I'm living in France now & to be honest their system puts the British one to shame. I've needed urgent treatment & got it immediately, but from what I can gather this is still the case in UK; however I also have a chronic long-term condition which requires constant monitoring & the treatment I've had has been superb; and totally free for those on low incomes like myself.
HOWEVER! Just briefly discussed this with my partner, who is French & he reckons that even here there are massive problems -- nurse are apparently so underpaid they are importing them from other countries.
On the news today there was a feature on a strike by ob/gyn staff (one Dr. gets paid for part-time work of 60!! hrs.)
On to more cheerful matters! The animals!! Yoda the is very interested in making friends with your feline; but she doesn't like the idea of all those
s at all! I do though, what sort are they? I've had all sorts in the past (sadly not possible at the moment,tiny house & garden & I'm a bit limited when it comes to long "walkies"
I had 2 beautiful Dalmatians, one of whom was deaf, but who still managed to win a rosette. I'd REALLY like an Irish Wolfhound, but this will have to remain a fantasy I'm afraid!
Right, enough for now, if there's anything you need help with, please don't hesitate to ask; I'm not too brilliant on the technical side being pretty new to it myself, but in the short time I've been on "hootoo" (one-finger way of typing h2g2) I've made loads of friends & can usually be relied upon to point you in the right direction!
No doubt you'll be busy over the New Year with the inevitable results of the festivities, so I'll wish you & all over-worked, underpaid nurses everywhere :
Terri &
Yoda (guess which breed she is!!)
Hello, Kirbsea!
kirbsea Posted Dec 30, 2002
Hi Terry and Yoda , how absolutely wonderful to here from you,I first became a Veterinary nurse , which I did for 14 years, then I changed to 2 legged animals !!!!!. I have worked in hospitals for 12years now, Haematology, Phebotomy and now in theatres,actually recovery, assisting in the waking up of patients,has its moments !!!!
The pre and post Xmas period has been horrific with no let up in emergency surgery, and I am absolutely shattered, still I have a day off tomorrow . The Dogs are as follows Willis is a Field Spaniel 11 years old and a Show Champion, Gibson is his son and is 8 years old next week. Rumour is a Dobermann and she is nearly 7 and her daughter Phoebe is nearly 4 .Arnold is a Minature Pinscher and he is 19 months old and has qualified for crufts 2003. The Puss is called Smudge , she is a semi long haired black and white moggi who chooses to live in the bathroom, My Children have owned lots of animals in the past Goats , Ferrets,Mice, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs fish , frogs and newts oh and a Horse. Fortunately the children do not live at home now the 2 girls are married and my son is in the Army, so we have reduced the anmal content of our home quite drastically now, ( I miss them all really) . Everyone came home for Xmas, ( they were all away last year, Did you have a good time we did , I love old fashioned family Xmas's do you, Hope you have a good New Year, seasons greetings etc , etc, keep safe Kirbsea.
Hello, Kirbsea!
zendevil Posted Dec 31, 2002
Glad you had a good Xmas, ours was nice & quiet, but even so we still seem to be sorting out after it ... & now it's New Year!
So, without further ado I'll wish you :
(Yoda the sends lots of
Must , speak more after the jollities!
Hello, Kirbsea!
kirbsea Posted Jan 1, 2003
Happy new year and many good wishes to you all , The plan was work and then a lovely walk with my hounds , but the weather decided I needed a rest!!!!. Dogs were not to keen to get wet, so everey one is in by the fire , My daughter cooked dinner , so I've been spoiled, and i have no work for 4 days . Do you work ? how do you relax,is it a good time of year for year or do you suffer from S A D (Seasonal affective disorder )
Hello, Kirbsea!
zendevil Posted Jan 2, 2003
Hello kirbsea, family & s &
! It's been pretty wet here too, Yoda comes in with a look of disgust, wanting a
says she sees me as a "giant talking bath-towel"!!!
Work-wise, I don't go out to work, partly through choice but mainly necessity, I've got something called CIDP; for more info visit "De Myelin Nation" (click on A889194), the bit on "helpful definitions" tells you more about it. Don't really suffer from S.A.D I think, although there is definitely someone on here who does, Hati, I can find out her page if you'd like to talk to her.
So apart from generally keeping life together home-wise, which helps in his work (he's a musician & writer/translator); I do some art-work (3D collage type stuff, commonly referred to as my cheese-boxes!) & try & expand my writing skills. H2g2 is a brilliant place for this, even if you only "chat", it's writing something & the inspiration gained by getting different viewpoints from the rest of the world is fantastic. The only problem comes with trying to discipline yourself to do the actual structuring of articles etc.; my weakness I'm afraid! One of my New Years Resolutions is to try & churn out some "proper stuff" & hopefully explore some money-making ideas, God knows we could do with some of that!!
Catching up on some of my backlog tonight, loads of un-answered conversations!
All the best for the new year, Terri
Hello, Kirbsea!
zendevil Posted Jan 2, 2003
Found her reference:
Hati (suffering from SAD) researcher U12703
just click on the highlighted number to go to her page, I've not actually spoken to her myself, but she's been on other conversation threads I've been involved in. She knows Grey Desk & also Loup d'argent, the latter was the 1st person I spoke to on hootoo! T
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Hello, Kirbsea!
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