This is the Message Centre for Scoobydoo

hi Scooby

Post 1


& thank you for the post acknowledging my complaint on the Host thread.
I appreciate that.

Hmmm a reply from the Host about 30 mins after my complaint - after all these months.
I wonder why.

hi Scooby

Post 2


Hi Gill,
I've been contemplating similar for a while but feared being accused of driving a wedge.
However, about 2 or three members are now just intent on disruption and targetting others.

I think that instead of abandoning the Board and simply complaining about it, all the previous users should blooming well reclaim it with food posts and then see off the very few troublemakers with the help of the Host.

We'll see.
Anyway, well said!

hi Scooby

Post 3


That's a better plan!

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