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Feeling stupid

Post 1


Hi Scoobs,

Do you feel as daft as I do not realizing that Tina Ann Cramping is the missing Capt?

smiley - winkeye

Feeling stupid

Post 2


Really - how do you figure that?
Is the Captain male/female?
The Cap was never as strident as Tina who is a big HB fan which I wouldn't have placed the Captain as.

Feeling stupid

Post 3


I always thought that "cooking the books" was female, it was only when you referred to the Capt as "he" when "he" disappeard that I thought I must have been wrong. OK Capt Mannering seemed to be a male name.

It is the anagram of the name that convinced me, plus that someone else (sorry I can't find the thread now) put "him" and a wink smiley when replying to you about the Capt being missing.

As for the rest I don't really know. Maybe they do just revel in getting people to talk about things.

Feeling stupid

Post 4


"She" has a thread called "Cooking it" on TV/Radio.
What say 2.15 we both post "Tina - you any good at anagrams?" with a wink
I have it as 1.57 on pc right now.

Feeling stupid

Post 5


You are evil!

I have been talking to Gill the Painter about this too and she now knows who it is.

Feeling stupid

Post 6


Feeling stupid

Post 7


I think I will post that (s)he seems to be posting in a

captaining manner

smiley - winkeye

Feeling stupid

Post 8


Too obvious!
Anyway - 2.15 on the PC clock!

Feeling stupid

Post 9


Well I did it anyway lol

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