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safari scoobydoo

Post 1


Hi Scoobs
ta for asking after my nuptuals
we are going to a place called shimba hills for the safari and the wedding
there is a walkway leading to a gazebo in the trees overlooking the watering hole
I imagine it will be just like the lion king with lots of mandrills holding up lion cubs as offerings to us
I just hope the warthogs and the meerkats sing in tune
My main goal will be to remember smiley - dontpanic
oh, and say I do at the right point
and remember the anniversary in the future

safari scoobydoo

Post 2


I just came back off safari and it was the best experience we've had and we've been to a lot of places - China, India, Galapagos, Cuba, Ecuador, Canada and Alaska.
It was spectacular and we managed to get close to every type of wildlife and even see a kill!
Lion on wildebeest.
Get a good camera with zoom and if there's a hot air balloon ride do it! Bugger the cost!

Oh, just twigged you have the ceremony out there!
I can see the monkey nick the top hat now!
We literally had baboon raids on rooms where sliding doors weren't locked. One guy was having a tug of war with one with his camera through the gap. He won but their room was later trashed!
A hoot.
It'll be fabulous!!

Brian smiley - bubbly

safari scoobydoo

Post 3


Wrestling with babboons? errr
Maybe they could be the ring bearers
smiley - laugh
We're going to Shimba Hills outside Mombasa, 2nights in the honeymoon suite (locking sliding doors I hope)
I will bear in mind what you said re the wildlife wrestling with you, don't fancy losing valuables
We are getting a Nikon d3000 DSLR as a joint xmas present to both of us (from us) with an 18-55mm lens and an 80-300 Nikor zoom lens so we should be able to get reasonable shots.

We deliberately arranged for it to be a short safari/wedding so if we enjoy it we can book more and if we fancy a "rest" back in the beacj hotel we can. Hot air balloon sounds good.

safari scoobydoo

Post 4


I had a Sony digital with a great zoom - 20x - and bought a Canon DSLR with the lens you describe.
Serious tip!
If you are shooting on zoom from the safari jeep get hold of a mini beanbag about the size of a bag of flour.
The jeep roofs rise up to enable you to stand and look out.
You can rest the camera on the beanbag on top of the window frames for stability.
Hand held full zoom is really hit and miss with focus and blur.
That's what tripods are for but you don't wanna lug one around.
The baboon's will nick it anyway!!smiley - cheers

safari scoobydoo

Post 5


Good tip!
Beanbag going on the shopping list, thanks scoobs.

How is your xmas going? Got all the necessities...scotch eggs,whiskey,surgical truss and the Tv pages?

safari scoobydoo

Post 6


All sorted and the sliding doors are fully locked!
Have a good one matey smiley - cheers

safari scoobydoo

Post 7


cheers smiley - ale

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