This is the Message Centre for Scoobydoo

Hello Pops

Post 1


Ha ha hasmiley - cheers

Hello Pops

Post 2


Well ya got me there kiddo smiley - hug
So how do you find my page and send a message?

(I'm supposed to be popping out to buy food if I don't reply straight away)

Hello Pops

Post 3


On the left hand side of this page there are links to explain what h2g2 is, a link to your page, a link to your discussions.

If you want to find out if someone in particular is online click on the Who's Online link then click on search by name as that is far easier than looking for someone through their ID number.

I you want to send someone a message and you have gone into their h2g2 page there is a link near the top right-hand cornersmiley - cake

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