This is the Message Centre for Scoobydoo

An ACE G'day Scoobydoo ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

My name is Feisor and I am an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) here at h2g2. It's my job to welcome you to the site and hopefully show you around a little. I AM a real person, not an automated reply not an automated reply not an automated reply smiley - laugh.

Welcome to h2g2 – not just the friendliest on-line community but an incredibly huge, living, breathing guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. It’s compiled by researchers just like you and it's something YOU can take part in. You can write entries on all manner of subjects, and if it's something you think would look good in our Edited Guide (where all the best research goes), you can submit it to Peer Review Take a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for more information on that. smiley - smiley

I hope when you get to know us a little better you'll open your personal space and tell us a little about yourself - but there's no rush - and it's not compulsory smiley - smiley

We ACEs are volunteers here to assist new researchers so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
You can leave a message on my space just by clicking on my name at the top of this message or by hitting the reply button below - it won't hit back (usually).

I have made a "Hints and Links for New Researchers" page at <./>A719840</.> - if you go there it will lead you to all sorts of places which will help find your way around and get to know this wonderful place. It should keep you busy for a while smiley - biggrin

Oh, and don’t forget to bookmark not only your space but the H2G2 <./>FrontPage</.> - it’s a great way to stay in touch with what’s happening and leads to all sorts of corners which you may otherwise miss.

Do some exploring and you'll find that the site has everything from the nonsense japing to debates on any number of diverse subjects. Many lasting friendships and relationships have been born on hootoo. It's kind of an online pub and encyclopaedia.

I am sure that you will love this community as much as we do smiley - biggrin There's lots of things to see, clubs to join and people to meet - please don't be shy - just jump right in - this is a friendly place. But be careful - it can become quite addictive - believe me I know smiley - laugh

smiley - cheers

Have fun!!!
and above all smiley - dontpanic!!!

smiley - peacedove

An ACE G'day Scoobydoo ...

Post 2


Hi Feisor.
First off I have friends on the message boards who say:
"Go to h2g2 and send me a message"
"Can I add you to my friends?"
"You can post your email addy"

I simply cant find the others on here

smiley - wah

An ACE G'day Scoobydoo ...

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Do you know what their nicknames are?

If so, use the h2g2 search window to "find a friend"

If that's too hard, tell me their nicknames and I'll try to find them smiley - biggrin

I wouldn't post an email addy online unless you want lots of spam - but it's up yo you smiley - smiley

Don't forget to open your space - even just "hi" will do - you can always change it and add to it later, It's a great way for people to find out a little about who they are speaking to, and you can find out a little about them by just clicking on the name at the top of their message

You might also like to have a look at the New Researchers link in your welcome message - it will help you get the hang of this place.

smiley - cheers

An ACE G'day Scoobydoo ...

Post 4


Thank You Feisor - I will let you know.smiley - smiley

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