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Hello Ian from JA

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

Hello Ian I have tried the dreamcast sites and they do not work via my digibox.

I also find your instructions to be very baffling and I am unable to understand them. I have done computer but only in Business Administration RSA level and I cannot understand any of your instructions as you have written them for people with computer programming experience which is at least level 2/3 in eith LCCI or RSA. Please instruct me with far more simplier terms than the terms that you have used in your page. There must be alot of people who are put off because you are using a language only people with computer progamming experience. I though it was for digibox users and it seems to be written for pc users.smiley - flustered


Hello Ian from JA

Post 2


Hi there JA, well to start it has nothing to with digibox or pc. I surf the net on a dreamcast console and that is what the page is made for and mostly all the stuff will only work if you are a dreamcast user, with dreamkey v.30 software disc. The page is made for helping people on Dreamcast who dont know alot about it, possibly when the firewalls go down on your telewest Digibox you will be able to use a small percentage of the tools in expandinghead for images and html mark up ect but ill look into it, and i will try to simplify it a bit more but the way i wrote it seemed to be simple enough to me. Wha gave you the idea it was for digibox?? smiley - biggrin I aint no programmer i just know alot about Dreamcast internet.

smiley - smiley Ian smiley - smiley

Hello Ian from JA

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

It says click on here for digibox users.

I have only used computers for business admin, you may understand better because you have extensive knowledge of the internet which I have not and I have not. Not everyone is au fait with the internet I only had a very basic grounding when I was at college and that was quite a few years back that is why I cannot understand your instructions and it is not because I am stupid or too lazy to understand. There must alot of people who would like to know and use the internet more but are put by the termalogy that is used.


Hello Ian from JA

Post 4

LOCK_N_LOAD probably wont be back for a while but hey

The reason i put the digibox friendly link there was because incase someone on digibox turned up by pressing on the link at the folders arms and wanted to read it and it is the plain page link so they can read without getting booted and also it makes its faster on my Dreamcast too, anyway im going to write up a couple of extra links to add to the guide ends that will take people to simpler instructions. I know you aint stupid and understand what you mean and if you were surfing on a dreamcast it would be easier to understand, ive only been using internet for about 2 years now and i do remember what it was like when i just Thank god h2g2 have sorted the probs eh that was fatal last night as none of the pages were being found or usernames, when i tried to login again after the probs of messaging it kept saying to register, nothing existed at I really thought we had lost all of our work and not a soul was online. i was going smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley -

smiley - biggrin Ian smiley - biggrin

Hello Ian from JA

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

smiley - oksmiley - ta very much Ian.smiley - smiley I have heard that there was an world wide internet virus which originated from the States and was effecting alot of networks. I hope that this is not a result of this - an internet virus. It seems to be getting more common, hackers going into files and/or sending viruses through email or the internet.


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