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Post 1


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Post 2


OK taking the name and question at face value: smiley - winkeye

They must have found out you were suspended pending a banning somehow. There was no proper community notification that I saw. I found that significant at the time since it is part of the transgressions procedure that there should be one and I am signed up to at least some of the plausible pages. I only noticed some days later because of another conversation and was consequently slightly disgusted that it was apparently being kept quiet - as well as at the lack of evidence being presented against you. Note that this does *not* make me a supporter of yours - merely someone slightly more objective!

As it happens I then had to post that you were not respecting the ban because you actually came in to conversations I was in and made a big deal of it. smiley - erm See what I mean about being objective - although I couldn't condemn whatever it is you were supposed to have done I certainly couldn't condone you not following the process properly. It was also rather significant that such a process had not even been started by the staff for someone else who had not done *anything* wrong at all.

Getting back to those people who had already found your banning page, I assumed that some at least were your friends whom you had told yourself. Others were presumably your enemies who were trying to get you banned in the first place. Anyone else (and I know at least one I would regard as relatively neutral and not a bad ACE at all) must have found out by some other means. The ACE forum does seem an obvious place for this off-site notification of people who might be expected to vote against you to have taken place. However, I do not know that any such discussion took place there. I could easily have missed other places around h2g2 which drew their attention just as mine had eventually been drawn. So I could regard it as suspicious but not at all proven.


Post 3


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Post 4


How interesting that this thread reappeared. Could it be because the starting post wasn't immediately failed but only hidden? So then the thread got a second chance of life on failure of the first post once my post had been attached. smiley - erm


Post 5


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Post 6


Someone else has the theory that they are scared of me. smiley - weird I'm not sure there would be a way to determine that anyway. smiley - biggrin

The only things I do know that I have over them are intelligence, education, honesty and the truth. These are not actually any guarantees of justice or "winning" though. If you think they are then you must have failed to notice real life somewhere along the way. Most situations are extremely biased in favour of powerful groups. smiley - online2long I do have a fair amount of evidence against them - and they know it because they provided it with their own words and actions. However, that has not appeared to concern them much up to now or they would not have gone on behaving in the same appalling manner (from long before I joined h2g2). smiley - erm

So if you are imagining instead that I am in any way their "boss", you are wrong. My contacts in the BBC are not that influential as far as I'm aware - but I admit to not actually having checked their current status. I'm not that good at keeping up with everyone's lives. smiley - cdouble


Post 7


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Post 8


I'm fairly certain I'm not feline. smiley - erm

I also don't think I have any gossip for you. You probably want to look at journals for that. smiley - weird If you want evidence of what goes on on the site then it is all over the site. It isn't that hard to do a bit of research of your own.

PS This seems to be another message/thread disappearing even as I type a reply.


Post 9


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Post 10


hey who's nickin all the post smiley - doh give it a rest ffs it's all old news..smiley - oksmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run


Post 11


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