This is the Message Centre for Ian M

New on here

Post 1

Ian M

Hi i am new on here,i was on LD for a few years,it will probably take me a while to get used to this knowing me i will probably press the wrong button or something lol so please be patiant until i get used to this lol

New on here

Post 2


do you remember me i was maeve2 in l.d.
would be nice to hear from you .. xx

New on here

Post 3

Ian M

hi maeve2 yeah i remember you from LD good to see you again how are you doing?thanx for msging me on here,was not to sure if anyone seen my homepage on here.would like to chat to you on here my friend.

New on here

Post 4


hiya ..nice to hear from you .. i have been talking to a few of my l.d. friends about you told them you werer on here so they should be getting in touch with you soon ..are you getting on here through the tv or on a pc .. hope to hear from you soon ..maeve..smiley - sleepysmiley - sleepy

New on here

Post 5

Ian M

hi maeve i am getting on here through the tv,thanx for letting other ppl know that i am on here,look forward to getting msgs from other ppl who were also on LD who are now on here.


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