This is the Message Centre for Whispermil

boo hoo

Post 1


 29 may 1999 14:34 and a bit


why won't be brain work?

hhmmmmm....... I just thought of something.

cheers god.

boo hoo

Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I too am having a bad-brain day. I left my brain out in the sun too long yesterday. Flipwinky is a wonderful name, by the way. Cheers!

boo hoo

Post 3


um my name has changed already.... i get bored very easily

sometimes i get bored in the middle of a sentence and i ju.... oh bugger it...

boo hoo

Post 4


ok .... because of your kind words i have gone back to flipwinky.

boo hoo

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Glad you did. The other was a bit too regal. I was too shy to respond.

boo hoo

Post 6


yes you were right to be shy. But Queen ZabaDu has been laid to rest.... but ive kept the crown.

boo hoo

Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Yabadaba-Zabadu! A sun bonnet would be of more use...or a rain hat.

With a name like flipwinky, write something that sparkles, something magical. Liven this place up.

boo hoo

Post 8


Dead Brain is I too. cause sleep short of due to h2g2.

See you logged onto the h2g2 club your Majestically.

h2g2 Yahoo Club

took a while to find you smiley - smiley vegiman

boo hoo

Post 9


yes i thought id look at the club page but no one ever seems to be in the chat room there... i thought there would be loads of people.hmm...

boo hoo

Post 10


There is only about 15 members at the moment - Give it a while.
zach is an egocentric mind full of information. Ask him a quest on the club and he does get back to you when he logs on.

vegiman smiley - smiley

smiley - bigeyes By the way have you tried to get the T SHIRT yet

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