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Post 1

Tomthumb (43028)

It was a dark stormy night, the wind howled around the violently flexing shubbery, lightning fizzed and crackled in the sky, thunder, erm... thundered noisily and the rain came like millions of tiny droplets of water falling from the sky towards the ground going quite fast but no so fast that they would hurt.
I lay cold and alone in the darkness, the water soaking me to the skin, fearing for my life.
And then I got off the bus .. aaaah.


Post 2

Jim Lynn

I remember my first storm. The lightning lit up my room, sending bizarre shadows through my Andy Pandy mobile. The thunder rattled my Magic Roundabout playset. I leapt out of bed shouting 'Mummy, Daddy, the sky's falling' and they laughed, and explained all about thunderstorms, but I was still frightened so they let me sleep in between them for the rest of the night.

Twenty-eight years old I was. aaaaah.

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