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Marilyn Manson

Post 1


The thing that's been bothering me for ages is that Rock Stars seem to get blamed for everything, regardless of whether they had anything to do with it or not.
For example, the shooting in America was blamed on the fact that the children involved listened to Marilyn Manson. Forget the fact that they believed themselves to be nazis and hated school, no it was their taste in music that caused problems. Were there no psychopaths before rock music? I hardly thinnk so...

Marilyn Manson

Post 2


You are so right. Every new fashion in music is blamed for causing delinquency: Rock and Roll, Punk, Wagner...oops. Listening to music that your parents dislike is a rebellion that all children go through.
Can you believe that The Beatles were blamed for the Charles Manson murders in the sixties because it was said they'd been inspired by the McCartney-composed "Helter Skelter"?
Only the names and faces change, the news stories remain the same.

Marilyn Manson

Post 3


Ah, but you can't escape the fact that Marilyn is a t**t. Check out to see why.

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